Welcome to the Harvest Moon Historical Society's Website.

Civil War
Flagship of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron 1864-1865.
On March 1, 1865 the Union Steamer Harvest Moon,
Flagship of Admiral John A. Dahlgren, struck a confederate
torpedo and sank in Winyah Bay 5 miles SSE of the city of
Georgetown, South Carolina. To this day, the Harvest Moon
rests where she went down, buried under the sands of Winyah Bay
with her smokestack still proudly visible. The Harvest Moon
had taken Admiral Dahlgren to Georgetown to inspect Battery
White, recently abandoned by the Rebels. Prior to her departure a
torpedo was assembled by Confederate Captain Thomas Daggett and
placed in the channel where the Harvest Moon struck it
as she steamed away from Georgetown. The resulting explosion tore
out the bottom of the ship and the Harvest Moon sank
within minutes taking the life of the Wardroom Steward John
Tea Time & Scones
This page is sponsored by the
Harvest Moon Historical Society
Wilmington, DE
Send comments to: HarvestMoon@comcast.net
November 2008