Person Sheet

Name Dr. Jonathan TODD, 5G Uncle
Birth 17 May 175696
Death 10 Feb 181996
Occupation Surgeon and Rev. War Veteran
Father *Timothy TODD Esq. (1722-1779)
Mother *Abigail CRANE (1730-1806)
1 Ruth BISHOP96
Birth 16 Apr 176596
Death 8 Jul 1785527
Father Josiah BISHOP (1730-1806)
2 Sally FOWLER96
Marriage 11 Jan 179896
Notes for Dr. Jonathan TODD
96Timothy & Abigail's son Jonathan states in his deposition for Rev. War Pension that, "lived with my parents till Sept 1772 when I went I entered as a student of Physick under the direction of Doctor Benjamin Gale of Killingworth whose name I cannot mention but with the greatest emotion of gratitude, as he was not only my instructor but almost a father to me. Whilst I lived with my parents I labored constantly in the summer after I was old enough to endure labor and attended a common school generally in the winter. My father dealt in European goods, though not largely. Taught school commonly in the winter. In the summer did something at farming. His education and health did not admit his being expert in farming. He was handy with his pen to draw instruments of conveyance, and by his and my mother's indusstry they got a decent livelihood though very far from being rich. Soon after opening a new trade and laying out largely in P______ Works in the year 1772 he was seized with a Billious Disorder which ... to teach a school & continued there 'till September following when I again returned to East Guilford. I practiced Physick till Dec. 10th when I again undertook a school in East Guilford. I had taught school but four days when my father was taken ill with the Small Pox. He continued sorely distressed for fifteen days when he departed this life to the inexpressible grief of the family.

My eldest sister took the disorder at the same time he did, but had it remarkably easy. I innoculated my two brothers, one _____ Elijah Cranes wife and two children and the _____s child on account of their being exposed. They all did well -- after the ____ was _______d I began my school again. ____ one month when I found it necessary to make some provision for a settlement of my Father's estate. I received the debts due from the estate in Continental money at (to be cont'd)
Extracts from a funeral sermon preached in 1818 following the death of one of my 4th great uncles, Dr. Jonathan Todd of East Guilford, CT. It was given by John Elliott, A.M.
Dr. Todd kept a journal he entitled "Birth Day Reflections", and in the extraction cited for the date May 17, 1818 during this funeral sermon, it states, "This day I am sixty-two years of age; I have entered my grand climacteric. I am really an old man. I am one of the oldest in my neighborhood. Alas! What have I been doing for more than sixty years? This question strikes me with solemnity. ... Oh the surprising the wonderful mercy of God, in sparing my life another year! Have I devoted my spared life to his service? Of myself I know I can do nothing for Him, but through Christ strengthening me, I can do much for his glory.

"Have I sought for divine aid in such a manner as I ought to have done? I feel that I have not. I have been too formal and remiss in my religious devotions; too worldly minded. My mind has been, I acknowledge with shame and confusion of face, too inordinately set on the things of the present world, while I have enjoyed so many mercies and favors from my most benevolent Benefactor; while I have had so many admonitions to set my heart and affections on heavenly and divine. ...

"My children are not out of the reach of divine power; may they be brought to see the necessity of a Saviour before it be too late. May this year be a jubilee to myself and family; may my wife and children have much of the devine presence and guidance; and if we be called in the course of it, to meet with heavy trials and afflictions, may we all be prepared for whatever God in his providence has determined concerning us!

"May the devine blessing be poured out on the minister and people; on the church in this place and through our land! If this year should be the last of my life, may it be the best! May I enjoy much of the presence of God, and strive by his grace."
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